ZAZOMO does not include any content that is guarded by intellectual property laws. We do not host any files that infringe on other people’s intellectual property rights. Any wordpress themes and plugins that are featured on the website are offered for sale under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Every WordPress Theme and Plugin that you’ll find featured on ZAZOMO was produced by an independent developer and is made available for download under the provisions of the General Public License (GPL). The third-party developers and owners of trademarks, such as WordPress, WooCommerce, and others, are not linked with or related in any way to ZAZOMO.
ZAZOMO is not affiliated with or endorsed by the developers of any of the products that are featured on this website. However, we do support and respect the original item authors and encourage customers to make purchases directly from them in the event that they are interested in the author’s support.
The General Public License applies to each and every plugin and theme that is available for WordPress (GPL). This indicates that once we have purchased the products, we have the option to resell it or give it away to others if we so desire. The money that you spend on our website goes toward sustaining it and purchasing new products from third-party writers of themes and plugins. We are able to offer you the benefits of this sort of crowd funding because it assists in maintaining affordable rates. Author assistance is not included with any of our products.
ZAZOMO acknowledges and respects the intellectual property rights of third parties, and we ask that our customers do the same for us and their own intellectual property rights. If you have reason to suspect that any of the content that can be found on our website is protected by your copyright, you have the right to request that certain content be removed from our website in line with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy.
It is not possible for ZAZOMO to distribute, lease, release, or resell license keys. The GNU General Public License (GPL) is adhered to by each and every one of the products sold on this website. There is no need to worry about finding license keys because you can use them in an unlimited number of projects. In order to receive automatic updates or assistance from the developers of these plugins and themes, license keys are all that is required.